Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Today, there was a big green bug on my car. It is a very nice car, that I have. Shiny and blue. Maybe the bug was attracted to it.
I noticed the bug when my car was parked outside some one else's house, and when I drove back to my house, stayed inside my house a good 20 minutes, and went back outside to my car, I noticed the green bug was still there.
"Impressive, bugo!" I thought to myself. But not really. Although that statement can pretty much sum up my surprise.
At this point I figured the bug was not going to budge easily, and on the way to the gym I peered at it from time to time through my side mirror. It is sort of a tiny miracle I did not get in a crash, actually. I kept waiting for any minute that the green bug would go soaring away.
But it didn't budge.
Halfway to my destination I started thinking of car commercials. Something along the lines of the camera focusing on the bug as the car drives across towns and cities and maybe even states. The car finally stops, glorious of course, and the bug just continues to hold on to it. Words would appear on the screen or some guy with a deep soothing voice would say something like "you won't be able to let go of this one." Good for special price deals and what not. But yeah. It was just a thought. (and no body better steal this idea from me or I'll sue!!!!)
[of course that means we'd have to assume people read this in the first place]
But anyways.
I got to the gym and did my thing and came back to my car. Can you guess what I saw? Yes bingo! if you guessed the big green bug you would be correct. Since it had stuck to my car, and really metonymically to me, for so long, I thought it was time to mess with it. I touched its funny little insect legs. Sticky! That would surely make sense considering the situation. I kept poking and prodding gently at its little green limbs, until..... it moved one of them! This shouldn't be so exciting, but you've got to understand. This thing had not moved for hours. Plus, it made me chuckle at how it simply folded its funny little bug leg closer to its side.
I had my fill and left it alone. I was going home and started to wonder if it would last through the night in my garage.
I felt like I really connected with this little creature, so I named it! Naturally.

As I considered naming it Steve, as I do almost all of my insect friends, the song "My Name Is Jonas" popped into my head. Jonas. Yes.
I named the bug Jonas. Our bond and its pet-ship sealed!

Jonas flew away on the trip back home.
Guess he didn't like the name.