Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wall Squirrels?

From time to time, I think something gets stuck in our leaving room/kitchen walls. We'll hear a little scratching going on, a little rustling. Last night/ very early this morning I was just passing through to get my nightly glass of water and turn the lights off when I heard such sounds. It nearly scared the crap out of me at first. I thought someone was trying to break in or something. But then upon closer inspection of direction of sound and memory I remembered this happening before. My parents suggested a squirrel got caught in the walls somehow or... something.
I may never know. But if one day the house gets bulldozed down and the workers find a ton of dead squirrels, my family is going to look pretty suspicious.
Whatever. I'm kind of just saying this because I don't want to fold these clothes.

The Garage Door Failure

Today was pretty unextraordinary with a few memorable occurrences.
I saw a movie unextraordinary
Went to taco bell unextraoridinary
Was nice to the guy at the drive thru window unextraordinary
Got a surprise free bag of cinnamon twists memorable
Almost played in the rain but didn't unextraordinary
Got the car out of the garage to go to Barnes and Noble most memorable experience of day

All i wanted to do was go to Barnes and Noble so i could have a nice atmosphere to do my punnett square biology homework. I get in my car (which was in the garage because it's raining very hard) and notice 'crap, I forgot to open the garage with the wall thingy. Oh well, I'll just press my garage opener in the car.' I press it once, absent-mindedly glance in the rear-view mirror to make sure it worked and glance away to do something else for a short time. Thinking the door must surely be up by then, I proceed to back out.
Of course. Bad idea. I press the button again and the door creaks and moans as it goes all the way up. Sort of. I park my car in the driveway, in the pouring rain and inspect the stupid damage I managed to cause.

The door would not close. Shit! I couldn't just leave the stupid garage door open while it's pouring rain at night as my house is unguarded. Not to mention the stupid thing is broken and can never be closed again! So I go to work. The door is bent a little. So I try to pull it down, running back and forth between door and wall button to see the progress or lack thereof. After standing in front of it in dismay for a couple of minutes I notice the bolt that connects the wheel thing to the door so it can move up and down is out of place. I found the problem!
I go to it and wiggle it around, trying to put it back in the hole it broke loose of. No budge. I put the door as far up as it will go and get a ladder and some tool thing that I used for a hammer. Using my womanly intellect I managed to hit the thing out of place and then slam it back to proper position.
Success!! It worked! The door closed! I was very proud of myself for fixing the thing I so stupidly messed up in the first place. As I was just about to leave, my dad pulls up in the driveway and notices the door. I explain the whole shindig really quickly and tell him where I was planning to go. He says I shouldn't go anywhere because of the bad weather....

All of that. That ENTIRE struggle just to be told not to go anywhere??

I went anyway. And at that point I really could have gladly stayed home. But after everything I just did I was not about to just go back inside to have a whole 20 minutes of struggle and life wasted.

I went to Barnes and Noble for a good 30 minutes and did my stupid punnett squares unextraordinary

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Middle Aged People

I always find it weird to think of them as anything but. I just have this misconception that once you hit 30 your whole personality changes, along with your behavior and attitude. Like all middle aged people are boring and emotionless and go through the motions of daily routines with out a trace of anything exciting to be found. On every day, unremarkable occasions I am reminded that middle aged people (heck, even old people!) were once young, like me. And that one day, I am going to be a middle aged or old person having some young whipper-snapper think the same thing about me as I think about them now. And I don't like that at all! Today at the gym this middle aged woman was chattin it up with some middle aged men. And it was just so... weird! There they were, in their natural habitat, giggling, and...dare I say... FLIRTING. The woman was alluding to the famous Legally Blond line of the "bend and snap," demonstrating while laughing to herself. However she kept saying lean or something instead of bend and I almost walked over to her so I could correct her. BEND and snap, lady, BEND. It was just a very interesting sight to see; this not so youthful woman bending and snapping with these not so youthful men and they giggled together and continued talking about whatever it is older people talk about. Don't get me wrong, they did not look bad for their age or anything, but still. I have to keep reminding myself peoples' personalities don't change as they get older. Not really at least. Just their body.
Unless they get surgery or something.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

So I got a fortune cookie today

and I would just like to say....


Monday, October 4, 2010

This is a real blog site I swear!

So I just looked at one of my fellow peer's blog and it is so much better than mine. Honestly speaking. I mean she takes the time to really go all out, and blog practically every day! Who has enough to say about nothing to write about it every day? Not I. I am posting this here post just to remind the few random people reading this here blog that I can write endlessly about nothing at certain intervals of time. Even if it is a short paragraph consisting of irrelevant substance, and things no one cares about.

But hey! That is what blogging as all about!... right?

Monday, August 23, 2010

First day of the new school year

It was boring.

I think the most exciting thing I saw today was a cat lose one of its nine lives.
It totally got run over by a car!
I'm just standing outside, watching a lightning storm and minding my own business when a truck drives by, nothing out of the ordinary. However, something was flipping out of control behind the truck that had just come from underneath it. I just assumed it was a big black leaf or something, not thinking too much into it when this leaf totally morphed into a freaking cat and sprinted into my bushes.

Yeah. The truck ran over that cat and just kept going. And I witnessed it all.

If you're reading this, cat hating truck driver, I'm on to you. You and all your animal-running-over antics.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The dragon is in her cave...


It's a Thursday night. I'm supposed to be at my boyfriend's house right now, but instead I'm at home, on lock down, for doing something that really wasn't even my fault.

Crap I can't find the remote. Tv must be louder!

To my most happiest of surprises a tv show I like just came on to save me some from my misery.

My mom obviously had a very shitty day at work and is taking it out on me. Grounded for the night. My whole sneaking out plan was discouraged by the home dweller of the place I'm supposed to be so I'm home, awake, multitasking between tv and computer waiting for the sweet wave of exhaustion and fatigue to flow through my head so I can end the boredom and go to sleep.

Except I won't be bored for the next 30 minutes :)

I learned some things tonight:
1. Never, on any circumstances, no matter how impossible it is to fit anything else into the refrigerator, leave a box of chicken out to spoil.
2. This is worse than I thought.
3. The Grapes of Wrath is an agonizingly boring book.

Oh yay. I found the remote.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

If you ever want to alienate someone....

This is a video I discovered concerning sheep. Yes, sheep. I know my last two posts have also been about sheep, but I swear that is only coincidence!

This poor sheep, unaware of why its sheep pals are running away from it as if their lives were at stake, has a scary mask on its head.

I think we can all learn something from this video.
If your goal is to ever make someone/thing feel very confused, sad, and alienated, simply put a scary mask on said person/thing's head.

That and people are mean.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I beat the sheep game. Now I once again have no place to go to waste time on the computer.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Do you fancy sheep??

Then please check out this game I stumbled upon last night!!
If you don't then you're missing out buddy.

And if you don't care about sheep then oh well. This post was meant for Dani anyways.


I think the thing I like the most about it are the little noises the sheep make. hehe

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I need to do college stuff

like right 3 essays to be able to apply to places.
But I am so not in the mood to finish this one I've started, or start the other 2.

It's because I lack inspiration! I am not confident in the ideas I've come up with! Actually I don't even have ideas for the other 2. Which is why I haven't even bothered yet.


Sarah? You're a journalist major. I need you!

.... oh my gosh I put the wrong kind of "write" in the very first line.....


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have 3 % laptop battery remaining but I must say this

I really hate sleeping on wet hair.

It's the only way I've been sleeping lately; with wet hair sticking to my back.

Kinda like the feeling you have when you're super sweaty and it makes your hair stick to your skin in very uncomfortable and annoying ways. Except colder.

you all know the feeling.

Except you bald babies. You haven't had hair yet.....

Just you wait, babies. Just you wait.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Guatemalan Icebox Cookies

So for a spanish project, I baked these foreign cookies. I followed the recipe I got off the internet just as it says. I included all ingredients it asked for. Like flour, egg, sugar, cocoa powder.

Black pepper, salt, cayenne pepper.

You know, the usual.

Here's some words people used to describe the taste:
dog food.

I asked a friend to tell me about his cookie eating experience. He replied with "Well, I remember feeling happy. And then the cookie sucked it out of me. Like a dementor. Dementor cookies."

So there you have it folks. I have successfully produced a cookie equivalent to sucking the very souls out of peoples' bodies.

Strangely enough though, my mother loved them. And so did our dogs. But that could be because they apparently taste like dog food.

In case anyone is curious to make these cookies. Here's the recipe.

Or maybe I just messed up entirely. I'd love to know how it got such good ratings.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Food pictures to describe my moods at school

This is me during Spanish III

This is me during English (one of the sheep.)

I like English
(The funny thing is the tomato isn't that far from resembling my professor)

This is me in Physics, usually, when my teacher is actually teaching something

This just makes me want to eat an apple.

I think I will.

Cool Pillows

I stumbled upon a website of neat pillows and thought it was blog worthy.

I think my favorite may have been the blood pillow.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sad Discovery

Yesterday I realized I can no longer blow up balloons.
Today I confirmed that discovery.
I don't know what happened, I suppose my lack of practice for such a think depreciated my balloon-blowing skills until, erratically, I could blow up a balloon no more! This is a sad discovery. Which I still can't believe has actually come to be true. I could blow up a balloon when I was 5. What gives?

On a lighter note I was informed on the existence of finger monkeys today.
I don't usually find monkeys all that aesthetically pleasing, but the tiny faces and finger-sized bodies of these creatures make them irresistible.

Some one should buy me one

They're only about $5,000...

Monday, January 11, 2010

What day is it again?

So today, during the very start of the afternoon, I was thoroughly convinced that today was Tuesday. I continued with this belief for a good 30 minutes before I was informed about my mistake. What happened in this fictitious monday of mine I could not tell you; or how it transitioned from Sunday and then on into Tuesday. All I know was that I truly believed (for about 30 minutes) that today, Monday the 11th, was really, indeed, a Tuesday. That I had gone to school the day before, and that I only had 3 days of school left in this week.

But it's not. I didn't.

Still 4 to go.

In other news I'm keeping a weekly countdown until spring break.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So many questions....

The last 8 seconds are the best.