Thursday, November 17, 2011

I Know My Noodle

My college dining hall held a competition about a month ago called the "Know Your Noodle" contest. The premise of the idea was to name all 12 or so pastas on this poster and turn in your guesses in this little box. So naturally, when my friend and I had 30 extra minutes before our next class, we pulled out my laptop and started looking up pictures of noodles. We found pictures matching every thing on the poster, although my friend and I had a disagreement over one of them.
Yeah. We cheated. So what.
We turned in our answers and never heard about it again.
.... That is until yesterday.
I got an email from some lady. And you know what?
I am the Know Your Noodle Contest champion!!
My friend got second place. Ha!
Toady we collected our prizes and they were surprisingly awesome.

You bet your behind that's a giant bag of Cheerios.

He got a tray of pasta boxes and cereals, along with a t-shirt with a close-up picture of a woman sipping spaghetti that said "mmm.... Saucy."
Not gonna lie, kind of jealous.

All in all, probably one of the best contests I've ever competed in.