Thursday, December 31, 2009

I have come to a definite conclusion.

If you have construction workers, of any kind, working on your house, they will need to use your bathroom.

They will need to use your bathroom and they will use your bathroom and they will miss the toilet.

And you, being unaware of such occurrences will absentmindedly step in this man pee, leaving you to clean both your floor and your foot with proliferating annoyance.

I'm not saying construction workers will miss all the time, but on an average of 2 days at least one of them will miss at least once. Just take my word for it.

You were warned.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The word of the week is...


as in This week I found myself needing many different forms of palliatives.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I think my computer's on to me...

I have an amazing Mac Book Pro. I love this computer and besides some complications at the very beginning of its adoption we have been very happy together.

But lately it has been freaking out on me.

I think it believes I am having an affair with the enemy.
What my lovely Mac doesn't understand is I must use a pc computer! In my computer science class that is all that is available.

I think Mac is beginning to sense my primitive adoration for that which I grew up with and became primarily comfortable with. I am starting to get frustrated with my Mac as things are not located where they would be on a pc and Mac's applications just stop working on me every now and then, beginning of late.

It's way of "giving me the cold shoulder" I conclude. Mac doesn't even have solitaire preprogramed on it!
But I suppose that was a low blow. It does have chess. But really? Who wants to play that while they're bored?

It is okay though. I could never revert back to my old ways. PC is in the past, Mac.

I hope we can see through our trivial differences and move on toward the future, only growing stronger as user and computer.

Monday, December 7, 2009



That was a pretty douche bag move.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


To you, this may be extraneous

I have many vocab tests tomorrow. To help me study for one of them, I am going to create my own sentences containing some of the words on the list.
Just a slightly more interesting way of studying, and you, the internet public, get to feast your eyes on my results.

I feel the need to figure out clandestine people.

Mr. Dehart has such a vapid gaze, which does little to animate his soporific lectures.

I watched a video of a lady making tangential comments about her virginity.

I like to believe I'm aesthetic; therefore I try to make pretty things myself.

My friend's profundity in physics makes me feel rather idiotic.

The warning cacophony of my vigilant dogs as an intruder casually walks by my house creates a splintering aural sensation.

I know too many mercenary people. Money isn't everything.

A dirge can be quite the debbie downer if one is in a good mood.