Sunday, June 19, 2011


Everyone knows about those internet crazes that took hold about a year ago. There was F My Life (FML) and then My Life Is Average (MLIA). People tell stories about something that absolutely sucks in one and then stories of ordinary things in others. I want to start a new internet craze of the same genre. I'll call it......

I Hate Shaving (IHS)

People from all over the world will unite to share their stories of shaving accidents. They can vent their agony, pain, or bitter frustration that comes from rubbing a razor across their skin..... not in the emo way. This is no emo website I'm pitching.

Shaving is my own arch nemesis. Don't get the wrong idea! I shave and everything. I just hate every moment of it. Sometimes it hurts or sometimes I just hate taking the time to do it. Other times, I just cut the crap outta myself.

I have a big shaving scar on my ankle. I always come up with a new story when people ask me how I got it, usually involving some sort of pirate. Today, just now, in a hotel shower, I have a new story to post on IHS. You know, if there was such a thing in existence.

I was shaving my pits to keep them nice and tidy when all of a sudden I feel this pain.
Oh well. It's nothing.
I assume I just got a little nick, which happens all the time. But no. I look again, and blood is freaking pouring down my side.

Ok that may be a bit of an overstatement, but there was definitely blood. But it was more dripping than pouring.

Quickly I locate the site! And there, not even in my armpit, but on some area RIGHT NEXT to it, that doesn't even grow hair, were 4 little lines slivered into my skin. Looked more like a failed cat battle than a razor cut.

It wouldn't stop bleeding at first so all these thoughts rushed into my mind of how I'd have to go to the front desk of the hotel to find a band-aid and how I'd have to keep the blood from staining my shirt until then and bla bla. It stopped eventually though, and I'm just fine now, blood fully clotted and all. But still. It's in the most vulnerable area. Sure you could say that it was my own stupid fault and I was just being careless. But no. I blame the act itself.

I am not amused, Shaving.

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