Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Middle Aged People

I always find it weird to think of them as anything but. I just have this misconception that once you hit 30 your whole personality changes, along with your behavior and attitude. Like all middle aged people are boring and emotionless and go through the motions of daily routines with out a trace of anything exciting to be found. On every day, unremarkable occasions I am reminded that middle aged people (heck, even old people!) were once young, like me. And that one day, I am going to be a middle aged or old person having some young whipper-snapper think the same thing about me as I think about them now. And I don't like that at all! Today at the gym this middle aged woman was chattin it up with some middle aged men. And it was just so... weird! There they were, in their natural habitat, giggling, and...dare I say... FLIRTING. The woman was alluding to the famous Legally Blond line of the "bend and snap," demonstrating while laughing to herself. However she kept saying lean or something instead of bend and I almost walked over to her so I could correct her. BEND and snap, lady, BEND. It was just a very interesting sight to see; this not so youthful woman bending and snapping with these not so youthful men and they giggled together and continued talking about whatever it is older people talk about. Don't get me wrong, they did not look bad for their age or anything, but still. I have to keep reminding myself peoples' personalities don't change as they get older. Not really at least. Just their body.
Unless they get surgery or something.

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